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Lucre News: The Lucre Group Celebrates PRCA Dare Win with Best Media Relations Award

The Lucre Group is celebrating having been recognised in the 2021 PRCA Dare Awards for the Natures Menu Pup-demic campaign, crowned winners of the Best Media Relations Award.

With the dramatic rise in puppy ownership during lockdown, The Lucre Group was tasked with educating new puppy owners on the key topics of adjusting to life with a furry friend, whilst raising awareness of Natures Menu as a brand.


Cue The Pupcast by Natures Menu – a guide to puppy life and beyond.

Through the creation of a podcast, Natures Menu could share expert knowledge and unique, passionate stories to educate and inform new and existing customers.

To ensure The Pupcast launch was successful, Lucre teamed up with five key spokespeople across the pet industry, from dog behaviourists to journalists, to provide expert advice and guidance for new dog owners to get through the memorable, yet daunting time as their puppy goes through adolescence.

Using search insights to discover the hot topics that dog owners were most wanting to know, The Pupcast covered topics such as weaning, socialising and behaviour.

Following the success of the launch (resulting in coverage across national and regional lifestyle media, as well as pet consumer titles), The Pupcast received over 1,150 downloads in the first three months, helping the podcast to reach more than 10 million people across the UK and driving surges in web traffic after each episode launch.

Tamarind Wilson Flint, Owner Director at The Lucre Group, said:

The launch of The Pupcast was an incredibly exciting one, and it was a perfect example of how you can utilise current affairs and the news agenda for fantastic client results. The team worked tirelessly on the project, and the results speak for themselves. However, it’s great that this has been recognised within the industry – we’re thrilled to have won a PRCA Dare Award for Best Media Relations Campaign.”

If you’re after a podcast that piques the public interest, get in touch with the team today! You can also have a listen the award-winning Pupcast on either Spotify, Acast or Apple Podcasts.