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Lunchtime Explorer! by Janine Clark

Working in travel PR, we are constantly writing and talking about experiencing new, far-flung and stunning UK destinations. From ski resorts and new beach destinations to lakeside hotels and (relatively) ‘back to nature’ glamping locations, there is so much on offer! However, on walking past a group of office workers playing boule in Leeds city centre this lunchtime, it beckons the question; how well have we explored our own city and what cultural and interesting experiences can we fit into our everyday lives?

So, using an average one-hour lunch break as the perfect opportunity to fit in a shot of exploration, what experiences can we embrace on our lunch hour to help us become more locally well-travelled.

Some suggestions for 60 minutes (or less) things to do and see within your lunch hour:

Taste your way – Find the best coffee, cake, cheeses etc. by dedicating your lunch hour to sampling a selection of local food or drink to find the ultimate top 10 (you might want to hold off the top 10 gins!).

City-watch – With Spring Watch gracing our screens, this is the opportunity to channel your inner Michaela Strachan to do some wildlife watching. Get seated with an identification book and see what birds, mammals, insects or even reptiles you can spot. Keep your phone handy for the red squirrel or wild deer spot…you could get a film of your very own Spring Watch Live!

Mini concerts – Tune your ear with a free lunchtime concert held by universities or colleges such as the Northern College of Music, town halls and galleries or simply listen to a  busker (it’s how Ed Sheeran started out!)

Workout! – Use your hour to see the city and give yourself an energy boost! Forget the gym and take a whistle-stop city tour at pace. Plan your route using apps such as MapMyRun and take in the architecture on the way.

Park life – At this time of year, many city centre squares and grassed areas have complimentary deck chairs, just like Park Square outside our offices. Take advantage of this, sit back, smell the roses and take in views…no one said exploration needed to be strenuous!