Our brief was to create a compelling content campaign that would help Yorkshire Water in its bid to promote the importance of water conservation.  

Having conducted research, we could see the region was not that engaged or informed about the consequences of water shortages so we decided to make them a shocking reality and bring the issue home. Using photorealistic imagery of four popular reservoirs, hard-hitting stats and a 360 virtual reality experience, we visualised what Yorkshire could look like in 2071 if we didn’t take serious action.

Residents and the media were invited to attend a launch event at the very spot highlighted in the VR video, allowing them to step into the future and a QR was left behind as a legacy for learning. Content from the campaign was also repurposed for social channels and wider education programmes, ensuring the reach was truly maximised. 

The result? Coverage in national and regional outlets across the UK as well as a bank of powerful evergreen content for use on social channels and community outreach.